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100% Free Step by Step Guide

Free D.I.Y. PPC for SMB's

Optimizing your WordPress PPC using the plugin is crucial for improving your site’s visibility in search engine results. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide on how to complete PPC, along with explanations of why each optimization is important and its benefits:

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Step 1: Define Your Advertising Goals

Before diving into any advertising platform, it’s essential to clarify your objectives. Determine whether you want to increase website traffic, generate leads, boost sales, or raise brand awareness. Your goals will shape the rest of your campaign.

Step 2: Understand Your Target Audience

Identify your ideal customer demographics, interests, and behaviors. This information will help you create highly targeted ads that reach the right people.

Step 3: Set Your Budget

Decide how much you’re willing to spend on your advertising campaigns. Set a daily or monthly budget for each platform to ensure you don’t overspend.

Step 4: Choose Your Advertising Platforms

Select the advertising platforms that align best with your business and target audience. Here’s how to set up campaigns on each platform:

Google AdWords (Now Google Ads):

  • Sign in to your Google Ads account or create one if you don’t have it.
  • Click “Campaigns” and then “+ New Campaign.”
  • Choose your campaign goal (e.g., website traffic, leads, sales).
  • Select your campaign type and settings.
  • Set your budget and bidding strategy.
  • Create ad groups, write compelling ads, and add relevant keywords.
  • Set targeting options, including location, demographics, and device preferences.
  • Review and launch your campaign.

LinkedIn Ads:

  • Log in to your LinkedIn Ads account or create one.
  • Click “Create Campaign” and select your objective (e.g., website visits, lead generation).
  • Set your campaign budget and schedule.
  • Define your audience based on job titles, industries, and other criteria.
  • Choose ad format (sponsored content, sponsored InMail, etc.).
  • Create your ad content and visuals.
  • Set up tracking and conversion events.
  • Review and launch your campaign.

Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads (through Facebook Business Manager):

  • Access Facebook Business Manager and click “Create” to start a new campaign.
  • Choose your campaign objective (e.g., traffic, conversions, reach).
  • Set your budget and schedule.
  • Define your target audience using demographics, interests, and behaviors.
  • Create your ad creatives (images or videos), ad copy, and call-to-action (CTA).
  • Select ad placements, including Facebook, Instagram, Audience Network, and Messenger.
  • Set up tracking pixels and conversion events.
  • Review and launch your campaign.

Yelp Ads:

  • Log in to your Yelp for Business account.
  • Click “Advertising” in the left sidebar and then “Start Advertising.”
  • Choose your advertising goal (e.g., drive traffic, capture leads).
  • Set your budget, targeting options (location, demographics), and ad type (search ads, display ads).
  • Create your ad content, including text, images, and offers.
  • Set up your billing information and submit your ad for review.

TikTok Ads:

  • Access TikTok Ads Manager and click “Create Campaign.”
  • Select your campaign objective (e.g., app installs, website visits).
  • Set your campaign budget and schedule.
  • Define your target audience based on demographics and interests.
  • Choose ad placements and formats (e.g., in-feed ads, branded hashtag challenges).
  • Create your ad creative, including video content.
  • Set up tracking and conversion events.
  • Review and launch your campaign.

Yellow Pages Ads:

  • Visit the Yellow Pages for Business website and log in or create an account.
  • Click “Advertising” and select your preferred advertising package.
  • Choose your campaign objectives (e.g., online presence, lead generation).
  • Set your budget and payment options.
  • Create your business profile, including contact information, services, and images.
  • Review your ad details and confirm your campaign.

Step 5: Monitor and Optimize Your Campaigns

Once your campaigns are live, regularly monitor their performance. Adjust your ad copy, targeting, and budgets based on what works best. Track key metrics like click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and return on investment (ROI).

Step 6: A/B Testing

Experiment with different ad variations to see which ones perform best. Test different headlines, images, ad copy, and targeting options to improve campaign effectiveness.

Step 7: Landing Pages and Conversion Tracking

Ensure that your ads lead to optimized landing pages that match the ad’s content and encourage conversions. Implement conversion tracking to measure the success of your campaigns accurately.

Step 8: Ad Compliance

Adhere to the advertising policies and guidelines of each platform to avoid any issues or disapprovals. Keep your ads compliant and aligned with platform-specific rules.

Step 9: Analyze Results and Make Informed Decisions

Regularly review the performance of your campaigns. Use analytics tools provided by each platform to gather insights and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Step 10: Seek Professional Help if Needed

If you find it challenging to manage paid advertising campaigns on multiple platforms, consider hiring a digital marketing agency or a specialist to optimize your campaigns for better results.

Remember that successful paid advertising campaigns require ongoing management and optimization to achieve the best results. Stay informed about changes in advertising platforms and industry trends to adapt your strategy as needed.


Google Ads Campaign Types:

  • Search Campaigns:
    • Pros:
      • High intent: Target users actively searching for products or services.
      • Control: Choose keywords and create compelling ad copy.
      • Click-to-call: Include phone numbers for easy contact.
    • Cons:
      • Competitive: Bidding for top positions can be expensive.
      • Limited branding: Ad format is text-based.
  • Display Campaigns:
    • Pros:
      • Reach: Display ads on a vast network of websites.
      • Visual appeal: Utilize images, videos, and rich media.
      • Remarketing: Target users who previously visited your site.
    • Cons:
      • Lower intent: Users may not be actively seeking your product.
      • Ad blindness: Users often ignore display ads.
  • Video Campaigns (YouTube):
    • Pros:
      • Engagement: Videos can captivate and inform viewers.
      • Targeting: Precisely reach the desired audience.
      • Branding: Ideal for brand awareness and storytelling.
    • Cons:
      • Cost: High-quality video production can be expensive.
      • Competition: YouTube has a vast library of content.
  • Shopping Campaigns:
    • Pros:
      • Product visibility: Showcase products with images and prices.
      • Relevance: Advertisements align with user product searches.
      • Multiple listings: Display multiple products in a single ad.
    • Cons:
      • E-commerce focus: Primarily for online retailers.
      • Competitive: Bidding wars can raise costs.
  • Call-Only Campaigns:
    • Pros:
      • Phone-centric: Encourage direct phone calls.
      • Local focus: Ideal for businesses with local services.
      • Cost-effective: Pay per click when users call.
    • Cons:
      • Limited web traffic: Doesn’t drive website visits.
      • Mobile-only: Excludes desktop users.

Use Cases and Considerations for Google Ads Campaigns:

  • Search Campaigns: Best for businesses with high-intent products/services. Pros include high conversion rates, but it can be costly due to competition.
  • Display Campaigns: Suitable for brand awareness and retargeting. Effective visual format but may have lower conversion rates.
  • Video Campaigns: Ideal for businesses with engaging video content. Effective for brand storytelling but may require a higher budget.
  • Shopping Campaigns: Perfect for e-commerce businesses. Showcases products directly in search results but can be competitive.
  • Call-Only Campaigns: Great for local businesses. Drives direct phone calls but may limit web traffic.

Next, let’s explore Facebook Ads and compare various campaign types:

Facebook Ads Campaign Types:

  • Boosted Posts:
    • Pros:
      • Simple: Easy to promote existing content.
      • Engagement: Increase visibility and likes.
      • Reach: Wider audience beyond followers.
    • Cons:
      • Limited targeting: Basic audience options.
      • Limited objectives: Focus on engagement.
  • Engagement Campaigns:
    • Pros:
      • Interaction: Promote likes, comments, shares, and event responses.
      • Social proof: Increased engagement can attract more users.
    • Cons:
      • Limited conversions: Primarily for interaction.
  • Lead Ads:
    • Pros:
      • Lead generation: Capture user information directly on Facebook.
      • Mobile-friendly: Forms pre-filled with user data.
      • Integration: Easily sync with CRM systems.
    • Cons:
      • Limited customization: Forms may not suit complex needs.
      • Quality concerns: Leads may not always be highly qualified.
  • Lookalike Audience Campaigns:
    • Pros:
      • Expansion: Target users similar to your existing customers.
      • Higher intent: Better potential for conversions.
    • Cons:
      • Requires a source audience: Need a well-defined seed audience.
      • Limited control: Facebook determines the lookalike audience.

Use Cases and Considerations for Facebook Ads Campaigns:

  • Boosted Posts: Quick and easy for increasing engagement but limited in terms of objectives and targeting.
  • Engagement Campaigns: Suitable for building social proof and engagement but may not directly drive conversions.
  • Lead Ads: Effective for lead generation, especially on mobile. Limited in customization but offers integration options.
  • Lookalike Audience Campaigns: Great for expanding reach to potential customers similar to your existing audience but requires a well-defined source audience.

These comparisons provide insights into the strengths and weaknesses of different campaign types on Google Ads and Facebook Ads. When planning your advertising strategy, consider your specific business goals and target audience to choose the most suitable campaign types on each platform.


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